So, we are finally all moved into our new apartment at CLC. We love it here. The area is beautiful and after a little paint and lots of arranging furniture, we are feeling very at home. Other than the exhaustion we both feel from moving, we feel much more settled and relaxed. There are still some things to organize and re-organize, but we'll get there. My husband even allowed me to go to IKEA and get some new decorating items. (woohoo!)
However, being a Minnesotan up to this point, I was shocked at the dangers that came with running around here. I pictured these roads in the hills surrounded by trees, as being quiet with low traffic. Not quite...My first attempt at running, I ended up hovering by a tree on a road with no shoulder and uphill on the side, so I couldn't even balance on the curb, with semis and cars driving by probably wondering what I was was pretty scary. My second attempt, I ran up and down the short section of road that actually had a shoulder, and then did hill sprints up the driveway to the CLC campus. LUCKILY, someone informed me of a park nearby that has a 1 mile loop of a trail around it. It's perfect! With distance markers each quarter of a mile. So, now I can proceed getting ready for the NYC Marathon. :)
So, who would have thought getting a P.O. Box would be such an ordeal? After 5 trips, about 10 forms of ID, and 3 different clerk's, we finally have one. After much difficulty, we also finally have our new diver's licenses. Now, if we can just get our new car registration, we'll be all set. There are so many moments, where I wonder if we'll ever have the ambition to move again! But hopefully, this challenging experience with help make future moves easier.
And I am thankful to have a working oven.... (sigh) even if it is so small that my cookie sheets don't fit in it and the temperature dial is off so it gets much hotter than it should. And I'm thankful for electricity and air conditioning, even if, ever time I blow dry my hair, we blow a fuse and one of us has to run down stairs to flip the switch and then we proceed to re-set all the clocks in our home. I am realizing my lack of patience with things that are inconvenient, and I've been very convicted of not being grateful for the blessings we do have.
So, praise God for his care for us, and that He is faithful to remind me of my sin and selfishness! He has given us so much, and even if He had not, what He has done for me on the cross is far beyond anything I deserve. Meditating on that truth gives me so much joy and puts things in perspective. I really have nothing to complain about. Praise God He loves me even though I continually make much out of things that should not be.
15 hours ago
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