Sad news!
I will not be running the New York Marathon this year. As the time drew closer, the process and cost involved in getting to NYC for the race (as well as the day before to get my race packet) were becoming very complicated. I am hoping to do a race in the spring, and perhaps New York will work out next year. I am disappointed, but I know I will enjoy the race more when things work out to make it happen.
In the meantime, I will keep running and build a solid base for the next race I decide to run.
This weekend I will definitely fit in a good run on Saturday, and the rest of the day will be spent preparing for my date night in with Nathan.
I told him I will cook something amazing for us to eat. I enjoy cooking so much, having the time to actually make an extravagant meal will be fun. Not to mention, save us some money by not eating out. :) I am making stuffed pork tenderloin, seasoned potatoes, and chocolate souffle. I am really excited about it. With Nathan in classes, we don't get the chance to plan much time together, so this should be fun. :)
15 hours ago